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  • Writer's pictureRaj

Goa, where Magic Dances and Dreams Unfold"

In Goa, where magic graces the city and streets, Where Arabian winds carry an aura sweet.

The Portuguese found it, long years gone by, And now tourists rediscover, with a sigh.

Not just seaside visits, though they are grand, It's the seafood, lager, and culture that command.

With shacks and boat trips in the sunsets' glow, Goan music whispers, unique and rustic, you know.

Streets teem with tourists, a vibrant scene, While casinos beckon with their glimmering sheen.

When heavy downpours drench the land anew, Wet sands allure travelers, from all walks they ensue.

Oh, Goa, dear Goa, your magic does enthrall, From streets to sands, captivating all.

With your charm and allure, you cast a spell, In hearts and souls, where your enchantment dwells.

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